Council bills rogue landlord £10,000 after it tears down his £750-a-month ‘bed in a shed’
A London landlord who let out an outbuilding as a “bed in a shed” for £750 a month has been billed the £10,000 cost of knocking it down by the council. Hillingdon council gave the rogue landlord three months to evict the couple who lived there and pull the building down himself. When he ignored […]
Landlords evict for good reason
A major new survey has put paid to the stereotype that landlords are keen to evict tenants, proving that they do so only for significant reasons. Despite recent publicity in relation to ‘retaliation evictions,’ in which landlords allegedly evict tenants out of spite after they have asked for repairs, the new research by the Residential […]
Large number of renters have never met their landlord
30% of private tenants deal only with their letting agent and have never met their landlord, new research conducted on behalf of mortgage and loan broker Ocean Finance has suggested. In comparison, nearly a quarter of these respondents (24%) work primarily with the letting agent but have met their landlord, and 46% deal with the […]
Landlords warned they may be required to check immigration status of tenants or face £3,000 fine in plan to tackle ‘beds in sheds’
Landlords may be forced to check the immigration status of prospective tenants before allowing them to rent a property from next year or face a potential hefty fine, under rules in the new Immigration Bill. The Government says it will enforce the stricter rules on one location in the UK in two months’ time to […]
Mortgage and landlord possession statistics
Quarterly National Statistics on possession claim actions in county courts by mortgage lenders and social and private landlords. The bulletin presents the latest statistics on the numbers of mortgage and landlord possession actions in the county courts of England and Wales. These statistics are a leading indicator of the number of properties to be repossessed […]
HMRC targets landlords
Landlords are set to receive a letter from HMRC if they are suspected of not having paid enough tax this year, writes Charlotte Lloyd. The Sunday Telegraph reported that the taxman will send 40,000 letters over the next four months asking the recipient to arrange their affairs or risk receiving a large fine or criminal […]